The goal of the 16 individual safety standards in the National Safety Code (NSC) for commercial vehicles is to lessen the number and severity of collisions involving commercial vehicles.
A facility audit is designed to thoroughly examine a carrier’s on-highway and safety management activities in accordance with NSC Standard 15.
Alberta Transportation works with business transporters to audit their wellbeing and support practices and diagram consistence assumptions. The level of compliance maintained by each carrier is monitored, and carriers that exhibit compliance issues face progressive discipline.
Reviews are led to guarantee the transporter isn’t just holding the legitimate desk work however that they have appropriate strategies and methods set up to guarantee their staff, drivers and units are consistent with the guidelines and working securely consistently.
The auditor examines the carrier’s records and reports on the carrier’s demonstrated compliance with Alberta’s related legislation and the safety standards of the National Safety Code program.
Alberta Transportation receives an understanding of the carrier’s compliance level from the audit report.
For a variety of reasons, Carrier Services will conduct audits of Carriers. selections at random, too many violations on the Carrier Profile, or even complaints at the roadside.